An Interview With The 2016 TSEA Organization National Champion

Pierre Battaglia, General Manager of Couples Sans Souci holds up his award.
Pierre Battaglia, General Manager of Couples Sans Souci holds up his award.

Couples Sans Souci came out as the 2016 Tourism Service Excellence Awards (TSEA) National Champion for the organization category. This prestigious award is given to the organization that continues to provide exemplary customer service for its guests. General Manager of the resort, Pierre Battaglia gave some insight as to how they manage to provide noteworthy service at all times. Check out the feature below.

It’s safe to say you are the mastermind behind Couples Sans Souci, describe what a General Manager’s day is like

My day starts with a morning briefing with key managers and executives of the operations. I do some administration work relating to Purchasing, HR, Finance, Engineering and Food & Beverage; respond and communicate with correspondents, address guest concerns, review and analyze reports. I also do property walks with Divisional Heads and Managers; meetings; guest interaction; coordinate and attend special activities.

 Couples Sans Souci was voted the TSEA Overall National Champion; to what do you owe this recognition?

Couples Sans Souci is consistently rated by the media to be a 5-star hotel for providing exceptional service. We have upscale facilities – spa, room suites, secluded beaches, exclusive location and ambiance.

 What do you believe customers value most about your business?

The staff – this is one of the reasons we have a very high repeat guest ratio for the resort, and we always go above and beyond to please our guests.

It is said that there is no I in TEAM, how do you manage to keep the Couple Sans Souci team inspired to provide award winning service?

Consistently motivating the team on a daily basis; we create an environment of good team spirit and encouragement, training and a good retention programe.

What challenges do you have to overcome for Couples Sans Souci to maintain a high-ranking position?

To upkeep the resort regularly with new facilities and offers, updating existing services and consistently improving the general aspect to maintain our position

Apart from TSEA, Couples Sans Souci, boasts numerous awards, what advice do you have for other tourism entities that may see your organization as an inspiration?

Show commitment and will; be innovative, consistent and be genuine with your guests.

 What do you feel is the significance of TSEA for Jamaica’s tourism sector?

The Tourism Service Excellence Award is a great initiative for the tourism sector as it recognizes persons and organizations for their commitment to the industry.

What is the key to success for Couples Sans Souci?

The commitment and care the staff has shown to the hotel and guests and the inspiration to consistently improves the product year after year.


The deadline for submission of nominations has been EXTENDED to Friday January 12, 2018. Visit the Tourism Service Excellence Awards page on this website for further information on how you can nominate an organization or individual who you believe has consistently provided high touch service.

