The Tourism Product Development Company Ltd (TPDCo) wishes to express regret at the drowning of Coleen Myers on Sunday May 17, 2020 in the Rio Grande River (Fellowship). The organization wishes to state that the activity was not only in contravention of the Disaster Risk Management Act, which prohibits gatherings at and swimming in beaches and rivers, but it was the result of lack of adequate safety measures being in place.
TPDCo, through its Executive Director Dr Andrew Spencer said, “It is sad that a life has been lost and we express condolence to the family. We however condemn the act and wish for it to be clear that the activity was not conducted under the auspices of TPDCo’s operations of the Rafting on the Rio Grande facility nor within the area that TPDCo operates.”
This underscores the importance of having controlled operations on the river and trained personnel to oversee the process. TPDCo therefore urges all unlicensed entities and individuals to become licensed, as this will prevent illegal rafting and swimming activities in the area.