Falmouth, Trelawny; August 18, 2016 – The Tourism Product Development Company Ltd. (TPDCo.), today launched its newest community initiative dubbed ‘Falmouth Pride” with the slogan “Fi wi Falmouth, Fi wi Pride.” This is a pilot, Tourism Public Education Programme, which seeks to increase awareness of the importance of the sector and reduce harassment in Falmouth and by extension the parish of Trelawny. The intention is to engage students at the primary and secondary levels so that they may learn and convey tourism information to their peers and family members; as well as to sensitize and build awareness among citizens’ associations, neighbourhood watches and youth groups.
Fifty micro business operators will also be targeted for training in the areas of customer service, cultural sensitivity, self-development, business basics and the history of Falmouth.
Ms. Joy Roberts, Acting Executive Director of the TPDCo in outlining the strategies and tactics the programme will employ for its success, said “the programme is being embarked on because of the prevailing perceptions of the industry by some residents of the parish. Some persons have no strong conviction that they are benefitting from the tourism product. In some instances persons don’t see the linkages. This initiative is intended to inform and educate persons about tourism and its many benefits while encouraging positive attitudinal and behavioural changes towards the sector, the environment, locals and visitors alike.”
The programme components include the distribution of an educational comic “The Adventures of Sprucey & Limey” designed by interns in the on-going Spruce Up Jamaica Tourism Summer Intern Programme, a quiz competition for primary school students, focussing on – the History of Trelawny, Jamaican Attractions and Places of Interest with emphasis on Trelawny, Tourism Awareness, Tourism Organizations, Civics, Geography, Customer Service, Environmental Awareness, Cultural Awareness and Jamaican Heritage. An Art Competition for high/secondary school students with the theme “Where does the tourist dollar go?” will also be launched at the start of the new school year. An anti-harassment video dubbed “Cum Yah” will also be produced to promote the message of taking care of the tourism product and several community sensitizations are also planned. A Tourism Corner will be established in libraries across the parish with relevant reading materials.
Funding for the programme has been provided by the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF), to the tune of four million dollars.
The programme, which will run up until March 2017, will see TPDCo collaborating with various stakeholders including the Social Development Commission (SDC) through the Community Development Council, the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) through the Neighbourhood Watches, the Resort Board, the Trelawny Library Service network of libraries and other private sector entities in the parish.