The Tourism Product Development Company Limited (TPDCo) is assisting operators in the tourism sector with their application for benefits under the COVID-19 Allocation of Resources to Employees (CARE) programme.
Licence Processing and Registration Manager at TPDCo, Sheryll Lewis, told JIS News that support is being provided to contract carriage operators, craft vendors, among others, who are unable to complete their applications online.
“We have destination managers in the various resort areas assisting them to apply,” she informed.
She said that persons seeking assistance may visit any of the TPDCo offices in Montego Bay, Kingston, Negril, Ocho Rios, Mandeville and Falmouth or the Craft Market located on Harbour Street in Montego Bay, where a kiosk has been set up.
“If you know you have your Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) licence and you can’t assist yourself technically or don’t have the capacity, then we have our persons there to assist,” Miss Lewis advised.
The COVID-19 General Grant of a onetime sum of $40,000 will be available to craft vendors and contract carriage operators who are registered with TPDCo by April 30, 2020.
Operators are being reminded that in order to complete the application, their name, Date of Birth, Tax Registration Number (TRN), address and JTB licence number are required.
Miss Lewis is encouraging persons who have not yet applied for their JTB licence to do so immediately, in order to benefit from the grant designated for tourism.
“We have deferred the payment of the licence fee until the end of September. We will grant you your licence and then you can pay at a later date,” she pointed out.
For more information, persons are advised to call 876-968-3441 or email letusknow@tpco.org.