The Tourism Product Development Company Limited (TPDCo) invites proposals from suitably qualified Contractors to Expand TPDCO’s Corporate Offices
Eligibility Criteria
Bidders must submit the following with their proposals:
- Up-to-date Tax Compliance Letter (TCL) or Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC) if current/not expired.
- Proof of valid registration with Public Procurement Commission (PPC) in the category of Interior Construction Works – Grade 1
Proposals submitted without a valid TCL/TCC will be automatically rejected.
Procurement Method
National Competitive Bidding
The Contractor will be required to undertake the following:
To build out an Office Space of approximately 5, 550 sq. ft. consisting of offices, cubicles, meeting room, kitchenette and lunchroom, server room, storerooms and sick bay.
Site Visit
There will be no Site Visit/Pre-Tender Meeting held.
Bid Validity
Bids are valid for a period of 120 calendar days after the Bid Submission Deadline.
All clarifications must be submitted through the e-GP System. Copies of all clarifications received will be available through the e-GP System.
Deadline for Submission of Proposals
Bids are to be uploaded to GOJEP on or before 11:00 a.m. on Friday, July 21, 2023. Any proposal received after the closing time for submission of proposals shall be rejected.
Tender Opening
The proposals shall be opened on GOJEP at 11:15 a.m. on Friday, July 21, 2023.
The Tourism Product Development Company Ltd. does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and also reserves the right to cancel the tender process at any stage without incurring any liability.