To recognize the individuals and organizations that make significant contributions to Jamaica’s thriving tourism sector, Minister of Tourism Honourable Edmund Bartlett officially launched the Tourism Service Excellence Awards (TSEA) on Tuesday November 14, 2017 at the Liguanea Club in New Kingston.
TSEA, which was conceptualized by Minister Bartlett in 2008, is lead by the Tourism Product Development Company Limited (TPDCO) and is geared at recognizing and rewarding both individuals and organizations that exemplify service excellence in the Jamaican tourism sector. In addition, realizing the impact of the quality of the interface between the visitor and the tourism worker, and their experience with tourism services, TSEA seeks to uphold awardees who display outstanding performance.
The awards programme, the Minister states also came about after trying to find a way to give back to those who play a major role in the advancement of the tourism sector.
“We had to create an arena to showcase, to reward, in a less tangible but a more meaningful way and to respond to the need for you (tourism workers) to feel respected and honoured because it is the crew that has enabled this ship of tourism, and it is the crew we want to celebrate, to extol in all its values and virtues and exemplify as the symbol of excellence in our space.” The Minister said during his address
Minister Bartlett believes that once excellent service is provided and an effort is made to reward the major players in the industry, they will continue to perform at a high standard and Jamaica will maintain a remarkable tourism product. He added that visitors will then view Jamaica as the place of promise and hope, which will inspire more people to visit the country.
“It is about giving our workers a stronger sense of themselves and to make them understand that material response is not enough, but by giving them relevance, meaning and fulfilment to what they are doing; this will inspire them to go the extra mile, which will make us an extraordinary people and destination.” He said
The launch of TSEA comes at a time when the tourism sector is celebrating many achievements. According to Minister Bartlett, as of October 2017, the country has seen a 9.5% growth in arrivals and 10.8% increase in revenues which equates to US $2.343 billion. Adding to the list of milestones and achievements, Jamaica will host the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) World Global Conference on Jobs and Inclusive Growth later this month at the Montego Bay Convention Centre.