#TreatOurVisitorsRight: Read The Label

We have changed the way we look at food; with the introduction of gluten free, dairy free and vegan diets, it calls for a closer look at labels to ensure that unwanted foods do not pass our lips. In the same way, we ask that our stakeholders read the labels correctly, and not to confuse anyone,

We are simply saying that there is information to be considered before approaching our sometimes unaware visitors.


We know that everyone wants to cop the most sales and to market their worthy products, but its best if we educate ourselves on the suitable ways to approach persons. The rush and shouts will not make someone come to your stall the next day. A little trick is to maybe allow, the buyer to approach you first, pay keen attention to their body language, their tone, pitch and then you can follow suit.

This will not make your day slow or affect sales, but with the appropriate approach, guarantee you might make a lifetime impact on a person.

In TPDCo’s “Cum Yah” video, we show you how being accommodating, staying true to oneself and tempering our passion can give astounding results. We are a people so unique that we would never encourage anyone to discard that warm Jamaican personality, but with the ingenuity that we are famous for, simply take a step back and learn how to network our approach to ensure that each person we come in contact with gains a marvelous experience.

We urge you to treat our visitors right; after all they are our friends!

Click here to watch our Cum Yah video 




